One last challenge

Hey! So I’ve double dog dared you to try meatless Mondays and challenged you to try a night without lights, now I challenge you to try taking public transportation or another way to get to work besides driving.  You can even get a carpool together! Carbon dioxide is one of the leading causes of greenhouse…

I Challenge You…

How’s it going? It’s a rainy day here in Michigan so ya know I thought I would blog, because I’ve been meaning to anyways. A few weeks ago I double dog dared you to try meatless Mondays, today I challenge you to go a night where you do not use light at all.  Good news…

People, people, PLEASE!!!

FRIENDS!!! How ya doing? I am finally going to be in one place longer than a week! So hopefully there will be more posts coming your way, aren’t you lucky? Anyways, the reason I am writing…LEAVE NO TRACE.  Ever heard of it?  Let me tell you about it. Leave no trace is a term all…

I Double Dog Dare You…

To incorporate meatless Monday into your schedules. Hey friends!! Miss me? I know I have not written in awhile, but I’ve been busy moving and visiting family I haven’t see in almost a year. Anyways, Happy Monday!! I know, I know, Monday’s suck but at least it will be out of the way and you…